
When working in a team, being able to communicate effortlessly will not only simplify solving the task at hand but it can also considerably improve the safety of the people involved. iriBridge was designed with teams of 2 people in mind, where there’s a need to communicate over short to medium distances, where direct communication is otherwise challenging or impossible.
With iriBridge you can connect two wireless headsets together, creating an always-open (full duplex) communication channel. For long-range communication, iriBridge-R offers a connection to an external radio.
Supply voltage: 12VDC / 3W
Wireless channels: 2 x 2.4GHz
Antenna connections: SMA
Cabinet: Aluminum, painted
Weight: 450g
Leaflet: iriBridge Leaflet
User Manual: iriBridge User Manual

iriBridge-R has the same basic functionality as the iriBridge, with the addition of a connection for an external communication radio. The external radio makes it possible to communicate over longer distances.
When used with an iriComm headset, remote PTT function for the external radio is supported. Alternatively, a separate PTT button can be connected to iriBridge-R. iriBridge-R can be ordered for specific radio models.
Supply voltage: 12VDC / 3W
Wireless channels: 2 x 2.4GHz
Antenna connections: SMA
Radio interface: Radio specific (isolated RX/TX/PTT)
PTT interface: SPST (NO) Push-button input
Cabinet: Aluminum, painted
Weight: 450g
Leaflet: iriBridge Leaflet
User Manual: iriBridge-R User Manual