iriSelect Black Box


The desire for a user-friendly, intuitive and clean instrument panel is solved easily and elegantly with the iriSelect Black Box, where the iriSound Intelligent Intercom is controlled via the vessel’s or vehicle’s existing Multifunction Functional Display (MFD).
In addition to all the known iriSelect functions, the recording function via iriStore,
mobile phone and hailer can now be easily controlled via the MFD.

IWCS Interface for intercom systems works on multi funktional displays (MFD), Phones and tablets. Garmin MFD waterproof intercom Communication can save lives
IWCS Interface for intercom systems works on multi funktional displays (MFD), Phones and tablets. Garmin Raymarine waterproof intercom communication can save lives Home Usermanual Grid settings
IWCS Interface for intercom systems works on multi funktional displays (MFD), Phones and tablets. Garmin Raymarine waterproof intercom communication can save lives Home Usermanual Grid settings
IWCS Interface for intercom systems works on multi funktional displays (MFD), Phones and tablets. Garmin Raymarine waterproof intercom communication can save lives Home Usermanual Grid settings


The user interface is designed to auto-adapt
to your specific Multi-Function Display unit,
and the system will auto-generate a screen
layout that matches your specific intercom
system configuration, considering number of
connected radios and headsets etc.
If the system is to be used on a fleet where
all vessels are uniform and operated by many
different users, a user-optimized design may
be the solution. IWCS offers to design such
customized layout.


In contrast to the standard iriSelect, where
a fixed number of operational modes are
pre-programmed into the device from the
factory, iriSelect Black Box allows you to
dynamically change voice groups, radio access
rights etc. during a mission. The screen
provides an intuitive, visual presentation of
audio routing in the system, and changes take
effect immediately. To prevent unintentional
changes to settings, an optional PIN code
protection can be enabled.


Your Intelligent iriSound Intercom System and
iriSelect Black Box have many functions, and
not all of them are used every day. For your
convenience, the iriSelect Black Box contains
both a Quick Guide and a more detailed user
manual. On request, user-specific details and
information can also be included.

IWCS Interface for intercom systems works on multi funktional displays (MFD), Phones and tablets. Garmin Raymarine waterproof intercom communication can save lives
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